Turb Aero
TURBAERO's Desktop Menu The Performance Map Utility in Programs AXTURB and RIFT
The TurbAero software system is a suite of 17 axial-flow and radial-Inflow turbine aerodynamic design and analysis programs for IBM compatible PCs and Windows operating systems . The available programs are:
TURBAERO: a menu program to control the system and navigate among the other programs.
AXTURB:a single-stage or multistage axial-flow turbine aerodynamic performance analysis.
AFTSIZE: an axial-flow turbine stage preliminary aerodynamic design program.
AIRFOIL: an axial-flow turbine airfoil detailed aerodynamic design program.
RIFT: a radial-inflow turbine stage aerodynamic performance analysis.
AXTURB:a single-stage or multistage axial-flow turbine aerodynamic performance analysis.
AFTSIZE: an axial-flow turbine stage preliminary aerodynamic design program.
AIRFOIL: an axial-flow turbine airfoil detailed aerodynamic design program.
RIFT: a radial-inflow turbine stage aerodynamic performance analysis.
RIFTSIZE: a radial-inflow turbine stage preliminary aerodynamic design program.
RIFTNOZ: a radial-inflow turbine nozzle row detailed aerodynamic design program.
RIFTNOZ: a radial-inflow turbine nozzle row detailed aerodynamic design program.
EXHAUST:an exhaust diffuser aerodynamic performance analysis (including a scroll or collector).
FLOW3D: a quasi-three-dimensional inviscid flow field analysis with surface boundary layer analyses.
B2B2D: a two-dimensional blade-to-blade potential flow analysis with surface boundary layer analysis.
TDB2B: a time-marching blade-to-blade flow analysis with surface boundary layer analysis.
RKMOD: an ideal/non-ideal fluid equation-of-state package for a variety of thermodynamic property calculations (this equation of state is used by many of the other programs).
FLOW3D: a quasi-three-dimensional inviscid flow field analysis with surface boundary layer analyses.
B2B2D: a two-dimensional blade-to-blade potential flow analysis with surface boundary layer analysis.
TDB2B: a time-marching blade-to-blade flow analysis with surface boundary layer analysis.
RKMOD: an ideal/non-ideal fluid equation-of-state package for a variety of thermodynamic property calculations (this equation of state is used by many of the other programs).
GASDATA: a gas property database maintenance program to support program RKMOD and the other programs that use its equation of state (including a current database of over 100 compounds).
GASPATH: a general gas path (end-wall contours and blades) design program.
BEZIER: a program to generate the curves used by Program GASPATH to construct the end-wall contours and blades. It can be accessed directly from Program GASPATH or run separately.
RIGPAC: (RadialImpellerGeometry PACkage): a general geometry package primarily for impellers, but suitable for other vaned components also. It performs many operations and geometry calculations commonly used in radial-inflow turbine design and implementation (e.g., scaling, tip trims, imposing new profiles for different capacities, etc.). Conceptually similar to Program GASPATH, except that it starts from known geometry. It is often used to introduce existing component designs into the design and analysis system to apply the other programs for troubleshooting or upgrade activity.
RIGPAC: (RadialImpellerGeometry PACkage): a general geometry package primarily for impellers, but suitable for other vaned components also. It performs many operations and geometry calculations commonly used in radial-inflow turbine design and implementation (e.g., scaling, tip trims, imposing new profiles for different capacities, etc.). Conceptually similar to Program GASPATH, except that it starts from known geometry. It is often used to introduce existing component designs into the design and analysis system to apply the other programs for troubleshooting or upgrade activity.
VOLUTE: a detailed geometry design program for volute passage profiles suitable for centrifugal compressors and radial-inflow turbines. It designs passage profiles at specified circumferential stations using elliptical or rectangular cross-sections for either external or internal volutes.
BLADE: an axial-flow compressor standard blade section geometry program from CompAero which some users have found useful for designing blade sections to be used in simple wind turbine applications.
BLADE: an axial-flow compressor standard blade section geometry program from CompAero which some users have found useful for designing blade sections to be used in simple wind turbine applications.
The TurbAero system contains extensive data import/export capabilities to interface the various programs with each other and with other software commonly used in turbomachinery aerodynamic design and analysis